MA in Pastoral Ministry
PATH 539-065 Church Growth & the Equipping Pastor (CRN: 1888)
Professor: Tim Madding, D.Min
Date: Feb 26-Mar 2, 2023
Location: Forest Lake SDA Church, Apopka, FL
Course Description:
This is a course taught by the NAD Evangelism Institute at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological
Seminary. The NAD Evangelism Institute is a Division institution assisting the Seminary in the fulfillment
of its practical theological education objectives. As such, this course reflects the Institute’s mission
statement: Equipping leaders for Missional Disruption including deeper involvement in fulfilling the
mission of the North American Division.
This course then, is “An examination of church growth research, principles, and practices, with a special
focus on the role of the pastor as an equipper.”
Additionally, the course will examine the harvest potential of unchurched people, consider a biblical
theology for reaching the lost, and provide strategies for reaching individuals, renewing declining
churches, and planting new churches.
Class Resources:
Course Registration (The MAPM course registration is now online, please click on >> Registration instructions for more information).
Course Syllabus
Location Information